Teach-USA Disclosure Regarding Intending to Participate in the J1 Program ONLY and RETURN HOME at the end of the Program

The agreement or contract of Teach-USA with the J1 Exchange Visitor Program sponsors is upon the employment facilitation services of qualified teacher participants who intend only to participate in the J1 program activities and return home at the end of the program. 

The teachers agree that the purpose of the J1 teacher program is for participants to teach at and to participate in the host school's business and to focus their attention on successfully completing all aspects of the Teacher program as described in the contracts/agreement with Teach-USA, visa sponsors, host school district, and other programmatic information.

During the prequalification process, the teacher applicants of Teach-USA agree that they are willing to go home at the end of the J1 program and sign an agreement with the J1 sponsor about NOT intending to seek other immigration/visa status while in the J1 program. 

The J1 program participation is not marketed or implied in any manner as a stepping stone to another visa status or activity. The J1 teacher visa is a non-immigrant cultural exchange visa only. The accredited visa sponsors will not sponsor requested programs in any situation where the intent is or appears to be to use the J1 as a pathway to unauthorized work/employment or another non-J1 status.